Understanding media does not have to be complicated and methods have
been created to reveal simple this understanding can be. McLuhan created a tetrad that breaks
down our media and technology into their simplest form. Jason Ohler says, about
the tetrad that "every new technology or medium does four things," enhances,
obsolesces, retrieves, and reverses. (Ohler, p. 134) To understand better how
media has impacted our lives, we look at the four aspects of McLuhan's tetrad in
an aspect that impacts us as media psychologists.
As pointed out in Ohler's book, "this is not an exact
science," (p. 135) but it is a useful way to show how media impacts our
lives in a structured and semi-basic manner. As media psychologists there are many forms of media that
will be impactful in our professional field, but social media seems to be one
that touches everyone.
Globally both Twitter and Facebook are used to share stories, daily
events, and personal information with their friends, families, and online
followers. One such aspect social
media allows, is a safe place for a person to "come out." There are many forms of coming out and
most of us do this on a daily basis without even realizing it. Of course, when hearing the phrase
"coming out" most people infer the person coming out is gay, but what
if the person is undocumented, Transgendered, alcoholic, or Atheist.
Historically the term "to come-out" has been associated with
the gay community but today this term has been expanded to other avenues of the
human experience. Coming out
simply means that people have disclosed something about themselves that society
deems abnormal, and in many ways this is a life long and risky process. Society does not like what it does not
understand so the fear of rejection, abandonment, and physical harm are real
concerns when one "comes out." While these possibilities do not disappear,
social media has provides a place for people to come out in the comfort and
safety of their own home, and allows their friends and family time to process
the information on their own, rather in the moment of when they were told.
To better understand how this form of media impacts us, let us look at
McLuhan's tetrad for Facebook and Twitter. With over 1 billion users signing in monthly to Facebook and
over 500 million on Twitter, these two forms of communicating are now woven
into the fabric of our daily lives. Social media has become one of the fastest
ways for people to connect and control the flow of information. By using the four aspects of McLuhan's
tetrad on Facebook, I propose it would look like this:

While Facebook and Twitter are very common forms of social media they
are not the only choices. Many
turn to blogging sites such as Tumblr, video sharing sites such as Youtube and
Vimeo, and networking sites like Linkedin and Pinterest. All of these share the
qualities laid out in McLuhan's tetrad. (see above image) Social media allows
the user better control over who they reveal information to, the privacy of
these options is still not that strong.
Privacy settings can be worked around and information is sold to third
party users. The only true way to stay secure is to keep the information to
There is a
perception around social media that the ramifications of releasing information
online will be minimal, but what many do not realize is social media is the
equivalent of using a megaphone to whisper a secret. As media psychologists, it
is essential to understand and apply the information we gain about social media in terms of where it
came from, how it impacts us today, and where it could possibly take us in the
T. (2012, September 26). Coming Out as Undocumented: How Social Media Gives
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Lunden, I. (2012, July 30). Analyst:
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Tweeting’ City | TechCrunch. TechCrunch. Retrieved from http://techcrunch.com/2012/07/30/analyst-twitter-passed-500m-users-in-june-2012-140m-of-them-in-us-jakarta-biggest-tweeting-city/
Ohler, J. (2012). Email communication. Retrieved
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Image References
Amanda (2012, June 25). She's "off her meds". You
can tell by her Facebook posts. | Thinking Of You Ecard | someecards.com. Free
Ecards, Funny Ecards, Greeting Cards, Birthday Ecards, Birthday Cards,
Valentine's Day Ecards, Flirting Ecards, Dating Ecards, Friendship Ecards,
Wedding Ecards, Anniversary Ecards and more at someecards.com. Retrieved
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Amerland, D. (2012, January 15). Is Social Media Really
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Crew, N. (2012, October 17). Coming Out | laFraise Blog. laFraise
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